When you’re strange

weird people

A friend of mine sent me this quote the other day. It did not offend me for two reasons:

  1. I know she’s weird
  2. I’ve accepted the fact of my being weird long ago.

But acceptance of the so-called “strange factor” was not always the case.

Of course as a young child, those early years are innocent enough. Playing, singing, dancing with friends. Picking each others noses. Harmless follies.

Soon enough the self-awareness and self-confidence issues began. Not only had I discovered the display of a “quirk” to be shamefully rejected, it also appeared the verified weirdos were not doing so well socially. Being different doesn’t sit well when dealing with the masses. As a person who preferred to feel accepted, I fell into a great cover up of fear and taking myself too seriously.

As the years passed, I became cemented in a downward spiral of the loss “me”. While addictively chasing forms of outside happiness and acceptance, the pattern was established of running from myself. But as a lot of us know, wherever you go – there you are.

By some kind of Grace, in my early thirties I began peeling back layers of falsehood of which I’d been encapsulated. Once again (as in early childhood) I began to find, experience and accept my true self. It has been (and still is) a slow, sometimes painful, yet always Glorious process.  All those strange things I erroneously concluded were unacceptable are becoming acceptable – to me. Turns out that’s all that really matters, loving the person God made me to be.

Bonus: As I accept my true Self, God continuously put others like me in my path. When we unite and let down our weirdo hair, we rejoice in the clarity of who we really are; strange, odd and absolutely amazing!

You are never alone, there are others like you. Take the time to find “your peeps” and celebrate the peculiar wonderfulness that is you.

Thanks to you!

love heart

Words are futile
to describe how I feel
about you

You, who give your most precious asset
to my ramblings

How to convey this?
I’m practically speechless

But I will say
in the most limited way
YOU are absolutely, unmistakably


and if it takes “words” to remind you
so be it
and so it is

WordPress sent a notification informing me it’s been one year since I began my blogging journey. Woo hoo! I’m still here and so are you!! How cool is that?

Thank you and God bless!

Image courtesy of luigi diamanti at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

If you spot it, you got it

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. Carl Jung

If this statement causes you to swallow hard, squirm a little, take in a deep breath followed by an eye roll………you’re not alone.

Lets face it, people can really annoy us! We aren’t like those bad people!! Right???

“I don’t like working with this person. They’re so rude and negative!”

“I can’t believe she is going back with that guy. What’s it going to take for her to get her stuff together and move on with her life?”

“What kind of mother does that!” (fill in that blank)

“I don’t understand how they got themselves into so much debt. It’s so simple – don’t spend more than you take in!”

These are a few examples of things that can get me fired up (my face is flushed as I look at them because its all me in there). And although perfection is not the goal, I’m thankful to be graced with perseverance and  the willingness to change.  As Dr. Jung has stated, I have been lead into deeper understandings:

  • In the moment, when I am playing judge and jury, I’m simply feeding a “false sense of superiority” which provides my ego with a twisted pleasure.
  • I’m capable of every single bothersome behavior, whether it be from my past, present or future.
  • When I’m judging others, I am actually judging myself. Forgiveness is in order.

Although it sometimes feels impossible difficult to face,  I’m awakened to inspired Truth. There is no separation. We are all One.

So thanks and gratitude is in order for all those bothersome people. They really are my best teachers!

God I pray for the continued gift of awareness of judgments against myself and others. Help me to practice true Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness.

 friends dancing

image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net

Never Ending


Life’s dark

Seemingly bad things happen

Light appears

Seemingly good things happen

Fallible perception

Sees an end

Hardly noticed  – the new beginning

Forever thinking; finite – shallow

Surrender’s painful, yet

Skyrockets into infinite power – grace – love

Again and again and again and again

Curious fight?!?

Wills collide Let the spark carry on!

photo by CBurns

Keep Going!

cloud opening

The squirrels were being extra squirrelly.

Sure hope I don’t run over one of them, I thought as I began my days trip along the bike path. They know a storm’s brewing as they scrimmage from one side of the path to the other.

Besides the jittery animals, the emptiness of the path felt strange. Where was everyone? It seemed we had plenty of time before the downpour. Right? But as I continued to peddle, my uneasiness grew.

Maybe I should turn around and just go home.

The only problem was I couldn’t justify it. Even though I was a soul traveler this particular morning and the feeling was somewhat lonesome, I still believed it was okay to keep going.

So I kept going. For awhile anyway……until I caved.

And it wasn’t a squirrel that took me down, but my doubts and fears when I made a choice to turn a deaf ear to the small voice that knew everything was going to be just fine.

On my return route I began to see human life form; a bicyclist in full gear – goggles and all. A woman covered head to toe – hoodie and all. My people! Others on this path who are willing to take a chance, who are willing to go out on a limb and take risks.

Although I know ultimate strength and courage comes from within, it’s so incredibly comforting to have others traveling along with you. To mirror back that while you may not go with the masses, you’re knowingness can be trusted.

Keep going! It’s safe! You got this!

I rounded the corner to see a few more, then a few more and the reality of it all; I never was alone. It may have seemed that way for a stretch but others were there the whole time.

Although I did cut my ride short because of my uncertainties, it’s okay. I did get some time in and will try again tomorrow. I don’t have to get it right all day, everyday. I just have to suit up, show up and keep going.


photo by CBurns

Catch me I’m falling

tightrope walker

“I just can’t seem to keep my life in balance. If I’m doing good in one area, next thing you know I’m slipping in another. Rarely does it feel just “right” and I’m purring on all 8 cylinders. I MUST be doing something wrong.”

Sound familiar? We love to strive for perfection don’t we? Trying to “succeed” in all arenas of life. Some of us try so hard for it, we don’t even know what we are even doing anymore. Next thing you know we are beating ourselves up because we perceive that we are failing at life (work, parenting, friendships, love life, etc.).

Balance is nice, yes. It feels so good when we have those moments of perfection and feel the brilliance of ourselves. How utterly fantastic we are keeping all those plates spinning. So talented…….

Alas, one plate falls. We scramble to pick it up and get it going again……..crash. There goes another one.

And so on…..

Okay I know, I know, we still want balance!! Okay so what if.

What if we could actually live our lives in complete balance, all the time, every day. Then what?

I’ll tell you what.


Lets look at a tight rope walker. Does he or she stay exactly in the middle – completely balanced the entire length of the walk? NO! They go a little to one side, then to the other, reveling in moments of complete balance in between.

That’s the fun and exciting part of watching a tight rope walker. Watching them TRY to stay balanced!! And although I’m not a tight rope walker per say…….I’d imagine the exhilaration of TRYING to stay balanced is why they do it in the first place!

So I am making a plea. Can we please stop making such a big deal about balance?

And while we’re at it……that goes for our meals, too. Sometimes ice cream for dinner is EXACTLY what my heart and soul needs.

How about you? Do you think balance is all it’s cracked up to be?


Image courtesy of Vlado at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Inner Guidance System

“We must not be easy in giving credit to every word and suggestion, but carefully and leisurely weigh the matter according to God.” – Thomas a’ Kempis

Every once in a while, when traveling along the bike path, it’s interrupted by street intersections. Although there aren’t any stop signs at these points for traffic, sometimes I find a good Samaritan who will stop and wave for me to go on over. Such a NICE person. So thoughtful and considerate.

The only problem is there is another lane of traffic and the good Samaritan has no way of knowing if that oncoming car is going to stop. As he’s happily waving. Me. To go.

It reminds me of life. So many well intentioned, wonderful, giving, compassionate people ready to assist you. To give their advice and help. Happily waving you to go on across.

The only problem is they, through their limited view of any given situation, cannot make that call. They can’t possibly see everything that’s on the road. Ultimately the only one who can really know its okay to cross over is you.

Sure you can put your trust in the waver overer…..and I suppose that’s okay….as long as you don’t blame them when you get knocked into next Tuesday.

After all, YOU know other cars are coming, don’t you want to give yourself credit in knowing it might not be a good idea? Evaluate, make your own judgments and decide what your next move will be?

Personally, I do have a few people in my life who I talk things over regarding my life happenings. People I trust. People who love and only want the best for me and I wouldn’t trade them in for anything in the world.


I have to also learn to trust in myself. My inner guidance system. Live my own life. Wait patiently on the other side, even though others are waving me on.

Ask for guidance on a daily basis from an all-knowing Higher Power. Trust in the gift of common sense. Then I’ll continue when I believe it’s safe to do so while blowing loving kisses to all the wonderful good Samaritans in my life.