Catch me I’m falling

tightrope walker

“I just can’t seem to keep my life in balance. If I’m doing good in one area, next thing you know I’m slipping in another. Rarely does it feel just “right” and I’m purring on all 8 cylinders. I MUST be doing something wrong.”

Sound familiar? We love to strive for perfection don’t we? Trying to “succeed” in all arenas of life. Some of us try so hard for it, we don’t even know what we are even doing anymore. Next thing you know we are beating ourselves up because we perceive that we are failing at life (work, parenting, friendships, love life, etc.).

Balance is nice, yes. It feels so good when we have those moments of perfection and feel the brilliance of ourselves. How utterly fantastic we are keeping all those plates spinning. So talented…….

Alas, one plate falls. We scramble to pick it up and get it going again……..crash. There goes another one.

And so on…..

Okay I know, I know, we still want balance!! Okay so what if.

What if we could actually live our lives in complete balance, all the time, every day. Then what?

I’ll tell you what.


Lets look at a tight rope walker. Does he or she stay exactly in the middle – completely balanced the entire length of the walk? NO! They go a little to one side, then to the other, reveling in moments of complete balance in between.

That’s the fun and exciting part of watching a tight rope walker. Watching them TRY to stay balanced!! And although I’m not a tight rope walker per say…….I’d imagine the exhilaration of TRYING to stay balanced is why they do it in the first place!

So I am making a plea. Can we please stop making such a big deal about balance?

And while we’re at it……that goes for our meals, too. Sometimes ice cream for dinner is EXACTLY what my heart and soul needs.

How about you? Do you think balance is all it’s cracked up to be?


Image courtesy of Vlado at

Communication is the key

To communicate: the successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings.

Okay so, verbal communicating is not my strong suit. I’m much better at writing than talking about what’s going on upstairs (sometimes considered a rough neighborhood and should be entered with extreme caution).

Of course I cannot chronically write, throwing notes at people all day and I cannot stay silent……..indefinitely anyway.  I must communicate via talk and the fundamental importance of this form of connecting was brought to my attention in a big way while spending time with my 3 year old grandson.

He wanted something to eat and was trying to tell me with his limited ability to pronounce some words correctly. For a minute there, we were having a heck of a time.

You want an apple?”

Rapidly shaking his head, “NO!” (he had that word down.) Tratker.”

Ummmm….a cookie?” (Silly grandma)

He was insistent, “Tratker!”

Well I know you don’t want to eat a tractor!”

He actually smirked at me.

Ok I’m sorry baby,” I said as I escorted him into the kitchen where he single-handedly swung open the cabinet door, pointed to the top shelf and looked at me as if I was the one with the problem.

Ohhhh,” I looked down at him and smiled. “Cracker!”

Tratker!” he clasped together his sweet little hands in triumphant victory.

And what a victory it was! Finally, after all the confusion and mystery, we made the connection.

I felt it through my entire being and it appeared he did too. We were both then satisfied and happy that our efforts and willingness to hang in there with each other paid off.

Maybe the innocence of this situation is what really awakened me to our primal need of not only understanding but of being understood. I can tell you we both had somewhat of a wall between us during our confusion but once we connected – we were in love again 🙂

BONUS: He got to eat his tratker.

Whatever the situation – in life – conversations have to be had. Most of the time more than one conversation has to be had (ugh). A lot of the time the same topics have to be talked about again and again (ugh ugh).

Whether addressing an issue in a friendship, expressing my feelings to my spouse (heads up honey) or my grandchild looking for a tasty cracker, it seems it still remains; communication is the key.

drew with cracker

Say Whaaaa???

son and dad baseball

One fine spring day, my husband and young son were watching a baseball game together  when I overheard the following conversation.

Husband: If you keep practicing baseball you could play with the pros one day.

Son: Really? Wow! How much money do they make?

Husband: Hundreds of thousands. Enough to buy you dear old dad a new truck!

Son: Well dad…um…I don’t know. By then you may be…….you know…..passover.


You just can’t make this stuff up…..:-P



Image courtesy of digitalart /



Lighten up!


I was talking with an amazing friend of mine and she said something I deal with myself.

   “It feels like with everything I have to do everyday, things just keep piling up. It all feels so heavy.”

As smart, strong and awesome humans we can easily fall into the groove of taking everything on ourselves – to the point –  we forget about including our Higher Power. How do you know you’re doing it?

Life feels   Heavy.

Make the shift. Start by doing something silly. Draw a  picture full of stick people, watch a cartoon, bake funny cookies  or make a necklace out of cereal and eat it.

L i g h t e n   u p!

And pray…..

Hello God. I know you never forget about me, but apparently I forget about you. Ooops! Please help me with all my relationships, work and play. Thanks!

photo by CBurns