Daily Prompt: Playtime

Daily Prompt: Playtime

Daily Post at WordPress. They want to know. Do you play in your daily life? What says “playtime” to you? Photographers, artists, poets: show us PLAY.


I used to sleep in a shirt that said, “I don’t do mornings.” And was that ever true. No big deal right?  But I came upon a dilemma – my youngest son does. He gets it from his dad. (My husband doesn’t even hit the snooze button……who does that?)

After experiencing crabby mommy one too many times, I decided I didn’t want his mornings to be watching my head draped over a cup of coffee while I grunt responses throughout any conversation that may occur.

Something (or someone) had to change! Determined to send my son out the door a better way, I came up with two ideas:

  1. Get up 30 minutes before him so I can get the cobwebs out of my head, eyes, teeth, ears…..

If there’s one connection I’ve made with all three of my children, it’s music! So I crank it on, switch it to various channels and start our day. What a difference it’s made; dare I even call it “playtime?!”

One morning I even broke out in a little air guitar using the remote control (yes this actually happened and he looked at me like who are you and what did you do with my mom?)

Sometimes we listen to his stuff and he laughs at me while I sing the wrong words. Other times he gets schooled in what real music is.

The best thing about it all is we both really do like it and I have found something I can share with my 9 year old son. (Sorry, I will NEVER learn the concept of Pokemon……NEVER!!!!)

So I do mornings now…….but I still love my snooze button!


11 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Playtime

  1. I’m usually a morning person. I very rarely hit snooze. And my son is definitely a morning person. But, on those rare days that my son is having difficulty upon waking, I love to blast some upbeat music. Sometimes it’s from when he was a toddler, and usually it’s something I’m listening to these days.

    You can’t beat the power of music!!


  2. Anonymous

    i love your stories…….will music work at other times of day that may be stressful and might cause “grumpiness?” I will try, thanks for the idea!!


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